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Maps show the trip from 12-07-2024 to 27-07-2024.
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The Edge of the World

About me

My name is Claudio Moja, born in 1993. I live in Anzano del Parco, Como, Italy.

Following my experiences in Africa as a volunteer, my passion for sports, for adventure and my interest in sustainable progress, I decided to design "The edge of the World".

A journey of 20.000 km from Europe to Oceania, crossing metropolises and villages. Crossing mountains and deserts. Sailing when necessary and flying over war zones.

Since my mission is mainly to protect the environment, during my trip I will try to make myself useful by cleaning up the waste I will find on my way.

I am going to move around just walking, pulling my equipment - my home for the next three years - a "30 kg house", sustainable, with everything I need to live well.

Thanks to the team that supports me from Italy, you can follow this journey step by step through videos, fotos and stories; see where I sleep, where I wash, what I eat.

I will report about landscapes, cultures and all the "lifestyles" I will meet. My location will be live too! The aim of my project is to collaborate with associations working to protect the planet and eco-sustainability; to sensitize, to bring as many people as possible to these points of view and to work concretely to save this beautiful planet.

Moreover, I want to make my contribution to the world by mantaining a low environmental impact by plogging or similar and spreading real information at km 0. Along my way I will visit various associations and I will get in touch with people to give the chance to third parties to embrace projects like mine and try experiences of volunteering or work abroad.

Support me

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Claudio Moja - IT 44 I 36000 03200 0CA012820688


Do you want to get in touch with me or become a sponsor?